The Fox and The Crow
Once upon a time, in a peaceful forest, there lived a sly and cunning fox named Reynard. Reynard was known far and wide for his clever tricks and schemes. He was always on the lookout for an opportunity to outwit his fellow animals and get a tasty meal.
One sunny morning, Reynard was wandering through the forest when he spotted a tall, graceful crow perched on a branch of a sturdy oak tree. The crow had just stolen a piece of delicious cheese from a nearby farmhouse and was now enjoying his prize.
Reynard, with his sharp eyes, noticed the crow and his prized possession. He decided to put his cunning plan into action. He approached the crow and said in his most flattering voice, "Oh, majestic crow, you are truly the most beautiful and magnificent bird in the entire forest. Your plumage shines like the sun, and your grace is unparalleled."
The crow, flattered by Reynard's compliments, couldn't resist showing off. He puffed up his chest and cawed, "Caw! Caw! Thank you for your kind words, Reynard. I am indeed a magnificent bird."
Reynard, still playing the flatterer, said, "Not only are you beautiful, but I've also heard that you have the most melodious voice of all the birds. Would you be so kind as to sing a song for me, so I may marvel at your talents?"
The crow, unable to resist further praise, opened his beak and let out a loud caw, but it was far from melodious. As he cawed, he dropped the piece of cheese, and it fell to the ground below.
Quick as lightning, Reynard snatched the cheese from the ground and gobbled it up. The crow watched in dismay as his delicious prize disappeared into the fox's mouth.
With a sly grin, Reynard said, "Thank you, dear crow, for your 'melodious' song and the tasty cheese. Remember, flattery can sometimes lead to folly." And with that, he disappeared into the forest, leaving the crow feeling foolish and humiliated.
The moral of the story is that one should not be easily swayed by flattery and compliments. It's essential to use your judgment and not let your vanity cloud your better judgment, for there are those who may take advantage of your weaknesses.
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